Number 13 strikes again…

Coincidence? Nah!

Tomorrow, at 9:00 pm, BBC4 will broadcast “When Wrestling was Golden: Grapples, Grunts, and Grannies”.

To make the programme, the BBC came to Kendo’s Retreat, spending all day filming him in various locations. Kendo was his usual inscrutable, silent, mysterious self, but his magical aura definitely captivated the film crew, who kept asking to shoot him in ever more locations at The Retreat!

It’s hard to say how much footage will make it into the final cut, or indeed how the BBC intend to portray Kendo – yes, he has always been utterly dominant and never defeated as a wrestler, but the closer you get to him, the more mysterious he becomes… After all, the programme is somehow being broadcast on the 13th, a date and number of great significance to Kendo…

Ultimately, it was a pleasure working with the BBC as they tried to capture and make sense of arguably the greatest ever sporting mystery himself, and it will be interesting to see the balance of the final show. In any event, remember – “To see Kendo is to be Empowered!”

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