New Kendo Events Announced…
More Events to be held this year at Kendo’s Retreat have been announced on the Healing site’s Events page, so please click the link to see the available dates.
As in February, the new Events will run over two successive days, and will once again include both healing and inspirational activities, but the Events in May and August will run over a Saturday and Sunday, making them accessible to more people.
The November Event will run over a Friday and Saturday, not least because Friday 13th November is a special celebration for Kendo, as it was on that date in 1964 that he first appeared in public.
Of particular importance is the news that in November, guests will be able to stay overnight at The Retreat from Friday to Saturday. There will be 3 guest rooms available – a triple, a twin, and a single – each with single beds, making a total of 6 overnight places available. There is a dedicated kitchen, shower room, and lounge available to these rooms, we will provide an evening meal on the Friday, and breakfast on Saturday morning will be on a self-service basis, with cereals, bread, milk, and tea and coffee available in the kitchen. To cover costs there is a charge of £30 per person per night, inclusive of Friday’s evening meal and Saturday’s breakfast. Please let us know if you are happy to share a room with another guest, as we may have to juggle things a little to accommodate everyone who wants to stay!
We look forward to hearing from you.
Kendo’s New YouTube Channel is Live!!!
This is really exciting news – Kendo has set up a brand new YouTube channel to provide lots of information on him, his origins, his fascinating past lives, his healing, the Buddhism he practises, the meditation he recommends, and loads more – go and take a look!
There will be new videos added every week, which will develop into complete playlists, in an open-ended, fascinating, and ever-evolving resource, to please keep checking back regularly for updates…
Here’s to the future and to Kendo Nagasaki 101!
Kendo Dedicates his New Tea Room
In a brief yet profound ceremony during the Event which took place at The Retreat on February 14th, Kendo Nagasaki blessed and purified his new tea room, commemorating it to the great Japanese judoka and mystic who trained Yogensha (the man behind the mask) in so many ways, Kenshiro Abbe sensei.
You can read more about why the Japanese tea ceremony is so important and how it is linked to Abbe sensei here, and there are some insightful pictures included – enjoy!
An Account of Kendo’s Busy 3-Event Valentine’s Weekend!
For those who are interested, we’ve created a Special Web Page which gives a full account of all three Events which took place at Kendo’s Retreat over Valentine’s Weekend – individually, they were all excellent, and collectively, it was an amazing weekend!
Please note that pictures will be added as soon as they’re processed – there are many, so please bear with us!
Once again, a big thank you to all who attended – it was a great pleasure seeing you all (some for the first time and some dedicated regulars!), and we hope you’ll come back throughout the year to enjoy more of Kendo’s hospitality and wisdom.
Please keep an eye on the Blog for more dates and Events news…
Pictures of Kendo’s Valentine’s Day Event!
There were many new faces at the full-day Event held at Kendo’s Retreat on 14th February, and, along with our regular friends, they were all most welcome!
We at The Retreat thank you all for your many kind words about the day and the activities which were held, and we hope to see you all again very soon. Feel free to bring as many friends as you like – we’d be very happy to swell the numbers of Kendo’s enlightened, optimistic, and strong family!
Here are the pictures from the day. If you want to see a picture as a bigger version or to download a picture, click on it, and it will open as a bigger version in a new window. To save a picture, right-click and select “Save Image As…”, and choose where you want to save it.
Here’s to the next Event – watch this space!
A Review of a Very Special Evening: Kendo’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations
Kendo’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations at The Retreat was a fantastic event for all concerned – see a full Review with pictures HERE!!!
Pictures from Kendo’s 50th Anniversary
Welcome back to all those who attended Kendo’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations!
Here are the individual pictures, as taken in Kendo’s Sanctuary.
If you click on a picture, a larger version will open in a new page, which you can save – Right-Click on it, and choose “Save Image As…”
Alternatively, if you would like the original full-size picture to be emailed to you, just drop us a line at
Kendo’s Long-Awaited Movie is HERE!!!
It’s the movie that all wrestling fans have been waiting for – Kendo Nagasaki has just released his astonishing new film, “The English Samurai”.
Mystery and Mayhem – this is Kendo Nagasaki as described by New Generation Wrestling promotions, and they could not have been more accurate!
In an age where everything is explained, rationalised, and de-bunked, the mysteries behind the legendary masked marauder still endure, and they can be seen to go only deeper and ever deeper.
This movie features never-before-seen footage of a whole day surrounding Kendo preparing for a wrestling match, his limo-journey, his encounters with the media, the match itself, and a TV journalist getting more than he bargained for!
The match in question was Kendo’s last ever contest, a highly controversial and brutal clash which, in keeping with Nagasaki’s ruthless history, could only have one outcome – as long as he wasn’t disqualified for his outrageous tactics… Ouch!
And the mysteries? A hint of these have often been seen in the wrestling ring – Kendo clasping his hands to his ears and looking into another time and place, then returning to the fray with increased ferocity. It was said that he was communicating with his samurai ancestors, and finally, this film sheds light on such mysteries, and they go deeper than you could ever imagine…
Truly action-packed, fascinating, and deeply thought-provoking, this film reveals so much about Kendo Nagasaki that his fans have always wanted to know, and more… There’s even an opportunity to see the peace at the heart of the warrior, as he plays singing bowls as a meditation.
There’s never been a film like this – it spans centuries and relates to both the brutally real and the spiritually profound – qualities which Kendo Nagasaki effortlessly encompasses and expresses. For fans of The English Samurai’s unique brand of Mystery and Mayhem, this movie is a must-see!
Available on DVD and Blu-Ray at The Nagasaki Web Store, Region-Free on both formats.
Alternatively, see the trailer for the movie HERE
Kendo Wrestling Masks have Sold-Out Again!
Kendo Masks Back In Stock!
Within days of taking delivery of 13 new ‘A-Grade’ Kendo Nagasaki Wrestling Masks and putting them in the Nagasaki Web Store online shop – they’ve sold out!!
We’re arranging for another batch to be made, so please keep checking back, and we’ll let you know as soon as they’re here…
Kendo is Back in the Japanese Media!
With 2014 being Kendo’s 50th Anniversary year, there is another 50th Anniversary being celebrated – that of the last Olympic Games in Tokyo. As Japan looks forward to hosting the 2020 Olympics, the anniversary of their last Olympics has brought the event to the foreground of awareness, and their significance to Kendo has also been eloquently re-visited in a new article in the Japanese media.
Our good friend in Tokyo, Chris Gould, has written an excellent article about how Yogensha was originally destined for the Tokyo Olympics to represent Great Britain in judo, but, of course, destiny intervened, preventing that, but bringing us the great Kendo Nagasaki instead through the immensely-skilled Yogensha. Chris’s article in the Japan Today online English newspaper re-visits both Kendo’s career in general, and specifically his relationship with Japan.
We were very pleased that Chris was able to come to Kendo’s July Event at The Retreat and soak up some of the Nagasaki atmosphere first-hand, and his experience is clearly reflected in his well-informed and insightful article. Head over to Japan Today to see what’s being said about Kendo in Japan during this important multi-anniversary year.
Decision Day for Kendo’s 50th Anniversary!
Today, everyone who has sent in their “First Experience of Kendo” tributes, as well as everyone who has applied for a guest place at the 50th Anniversary Event in November, will all be emailed to let them know Kendo’s decision on their application!
As mentioned previously, the 13 “First Experience” tributes which Kendo feels best reflect the spirit appropriate to his anniversary will be chosen to be read out by their authors at the Event, and all the other applicants who wrote in will receive priority consideration for the remaining places at the Event.
So – watch your inboxes! It’s likely to be this evening when all the emails will start arriving, so enjoy your day of anticipation!
We’re looking forward very much to seeing you all at the Event, best wishes until then – Atlantis.
Update on Kendo’s 50th Anniversary in November
It’s time for an update on Kendo’s 50th Anniversary Celebration due to take place at The Retreat on 13th November 2014.
Firstly, many thanks to all who have submitted their “First Encounter with Kendo Nagasaki” writings – there’s some great stuff there! Now for some organisational details…
As we mentioned previously, on 13th of this month, Kendo will announce which 13 entries have been selected as those he feels are most appropriate to the Anniversary Event in November (these will be the entries which will be read out by their authors on the night), and everyone who has applied – either with a “First Encounter” tribute or just to attend the event – will be emailed. Even if your entry is not chosen to be read out, all those who have submitted an entry will be first in the selection process to attend the event.
We foresee that after 13th August, there will still be non-reading places available to attend the Event, so anyone else who wishes to attend the Event in November can still apply for a place, by emailing us on
At the Event, Kendo is also planning to hold another Affirmation Stick Burning Ceremony; this is something which was very well received at July’s Event, and so, unless the weather is absolutely prohibitive, he will hold another such ceremony after the reading of the tributes in November. For those who don’t know about this ceremony, in Japan, such sticks are used to convey aspirations, hopes and wishes, such as long life and good health, or success in a new business venture, or safety on the roads, or even good luck in love! If there is any particular thing or energy that you wish to bring to yourself, writing it onto the stick and having it ceremonially burned will release it to the deities, who will then bring that energy to you.
Please watch the Kendo Blog for further updates on the November Event, and all things Kendo Nagasaki!
“Meditation” Page Updated…
For those of you who have bought Kendo’s new Empowerment Meditation and have observed the reference to the Meditation page at, and for those who are interested in the background to Kendo’s approach to meditation, we have now completed the updates to the Meditation page on the website. It’s deep stuff, but fascinating and helpful too – enjoy!
Kendo in the Japanese Media – Translated!
We now have a complete web page featuring the G-spirits article on Kendo as published in Japan last year, and it’s accompanied by Chris Gould’s excellent translation – you can find it here. Many thanks once again Chris!
If you click on the small page images in the article, it opens larger versions of the actual magazine pages, and you can also scroll through all the original pages. We’re very pleased with how it has turned out, and we hope that Kendo’s fans like it too – enjoy!